Fr. Andrew B.ShiM (Pastor)

Fr. Adaikalaraj Albert (Assoc. Pastor)

175 Windsor Drive, Brockville, ON, K6V 3H8

Phone: (613) 342-5095


Saturday at 5:15 p.m.

Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Thursday at 9:00 a.m.

Friday - check bulletin 





Keep up to date by reading our latest bulletin!

Download and read our bulletins from this past year.

Learn about the seven sacraments and Catechism.


Our Parish

CONFESSIONSThirty (30) minutes before Mass or by appointment.

ADORATION AND BENEDICTION:  Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. after Mass 

CHILDREN'S LITURGY (Sept. - June):  Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. We encourage all children to join in!  Prayers, gospel readings, and handouts are geared towards the different age levels of the children and mirror what the adults hear that day in the Mass. By participating, children gain a better understanding of the gospel and become more involved in our parish community.

Please contact the office to complete a Mass Request Form and submit payment.

Holy Communion is brought regularly to the sick, elderly and shut-ins.  Please notify the Parish Office.

Please e-mail or call the Parish Office by Friday morning to have a family member or friend who has died included in the Prayers of the Faithful at our Sunday Mass.

Please remember St. John Bosco Parish in your will.  A gift to the Parish will help to carry on the Lord's work you so generously supported during your lifetime.

Bulletin announcements should be submitted by Tuesday morning by e-mail or by calling the Parish office.

Grocery certificates are available at weekend Masses or at the Parish office during the week.

Welcome to all who worship with us!

May the Lord Bless you!

Check the bulletin for additional last minute events.

Celebrate St. John Bosco Feast Day with our Parish:   January TBA

The official Catholic feast day of the patron saint of our parish, St. John Bosco, is January 31 annually.

For more information, contact the Parish office by email or call (613) 342-5095.



  DATE: November 17, 2024

Enjoy a take out dinner this year including:


Scalloped potatoes


Salad & bun

Choice of pie for dessert

Tickets are available in advance, sold after Mass, or at the office.


Thank you to all of our volunteers

for your continued support!


Contact Information

175 Windsor Drive
Brockville, ON
K6V 3H8

tel: (613) 342-5095
fax: (613) 342-5243


Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday:
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

 Our Patron, John Bosco

John Bosco was born of a poor family in northern Italy on August 16, 1815. His mother was widowed when John was only two years old. His education became sporadic as he worked to assist his mother and family. Later, his mother remarried, but his stepfather did not believe in much education. Through much sacrifice and determination, John completed his education and was ordained a priest in 1841.

The hardship of his life gave him a special love for the youth of his day, especially the orphans and those who were homeless due to harsh economic times. "Don" Father Bosco, as he was known, housed these young people and gave them an education and a trade.  He founded a Salesian Congregation and is known as the "Apostle of Youth".  Don Bosco died January 31, 1888 and was declared a saint in 1934.


Father J. Phillip Horrigan
(1979 to 1994)

Father Phil Horrigan was the first priest of St. John Bosco Parish. He guided our first steps and watched the parish grow for 15 years before leaving us in 1994 to pursue further studies.

Father John Hibbard
(1994 to 2003)

Father John Hibbard succeeded Father Phil, and led the parish for nine years. Under his leadership, St. John Bosco had three seminarians complete their internships:  Fred Happy, Tom MacDonald and Stéphane Pouliot.

Father Timothy Harrison
(2003 to 2010)

We welcomed Father Timothy Harrison in 2003.  Unlike the previous two pastors, Father Tim's priesthood could be considered a second vocation.  Prior to his ordination on August 4, 1990, Father Tim was a professional accountant for a large corporation in the business world.

Father Stéphane Pouliot
(2010 to 2013)

Father Stéphane was ordained on May 24, 2003. He served as Associate Pastor of St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Kingston (2003 - 2005) and Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Frankford, Stirling, Batawa) before Archbishop Brendan O'Brien of Kingston installed Father Pouliot as Pastor of St. John Bosco Parish on July 14, 2010.

Father Jacob Chelamootil
(August 2013 - July 14, 2024)

Fr. Jacob was ordained to the priesthood in India on April 22, 1993.  He came to Canada to serve in the Archdiocese of Kingston in February of 2002.  Beginning as the Associate Pastor of St. Mary's Cathedral in Kingston, Fr. Jacob has since served the parishes of Lansdowne, Rockport, Tweed, and Stoco before moving here to St. John Bosco.

Father Andrew B.shim(Pastor) and Father Adaikalaraj Albert (Associate Pastor)
(July 15, 2024 - )

Our Church

St. John Bosco Parish, with Father J. Phillip Horrigan as its first Pastor, was officially established on September 1, 1979. In 1984, the architectural firm of Ala-Kantti Associates of Ottawa was chosen with Vince Colizza as the project architect. Plans began to take shape in October of that year. Tenders were called by April 1985 and the sod was turned on June 8, 1985.

The parish celebrated the Eucharist in the parish centre on the feast of St. John Bosco on January 31, 1986. The parish centre was still incomplete as the floor was concrete, the lights were temporary, and the walls were unpainted.  Finally, on Sunday, June 8, 1986 (exactly one year after turning the sod), Archbishop Francis J. Spence dedicated the building to the glory of God.


Parish Priests:   Fr. Andrew B.shim (Pastor)
   Fr. Adaikalaraj Albert (Associate pastor)
Support Staff

Secretary:  Jill Heffernan
Custodian:  Rick Fraser

Catholic Women's League President:  Michelle Morrow
Knights of Columbus Grand Knight:  John McGeough
Prayer Group Coordinator:  Mary Roughton

Parish Committees

Parish Pastoral Council Chair:  TBA
Finance Committee Chair:  Doug Roughton
Liturgical Committee Chair:  TBA
Decoration Committee Chair:  Josie Bracamonte

Report any errors or problems with this website to St.John Bosco email.


Many hear the word Catechism in relation to the Catholic Church, but don't know what it means or how to apply it.  These four educational videos offer insight into the Catechism.

Bishop Barron on Not Dumbing Down the Faith - Questions Answered

Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Anders 2014)

The Creed - Don't Be A Robot

Magisterium - What do Catholics mean by authority?


Read the The Table of Contents for the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Click any link in the table to read more about it.

Click here to see the Vatican's home page.  Look in the upper right hand corner of the home page to change languages if you wish.

Click here to access the many resources available to all from the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops).

The Seven (7) Sacraments of the Catholic Church can be defined easily as an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.  Watch these Busted Halo videos to learn more.







Have you ever contemplated becoming a Catholic priest?  Watch this video about Holy Orders.


Watch this video about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.  Contact the office if you or someone you know requires this Sacrament.

Wanting to know more about Catholicism and the Catholic Church?  Enjoy more educational videos below.

Sacrament of Baptism

Your child has joined a community of faith: your family.  Through baptism, your child will be born into a new and broader community of faith.

St. John Bosco parish regularly offers a 'Baptism Preparation' program to help you and your family prepare for the baptism.  This program will help you to better appreciate the rich meaning of the words and symbols of the liturgy, to make the ceremony more meaningful, and to understand the commitment you are making when you have your child baptized.

To book your baptism preparation meeting, contact the office by email or at (613) 342-5095.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Religious education in the Catholic schools for the Sacrament of Confirmation occurs in Grade 6.  Reception of the Sacraments should take place in the parish to which you belong and regularly attend Mass.  Should this not be possible for any reason, you should speak with the parish priest at the time of registration. 


You MUST register your child at the church office for your child to receive this Sacrament in our parish.

Baptismal certificates (copies) are needed for each candidate not baptized at St. John Bosco Parish.  If there are problems with the certificate or if your child is not baptized Catholic, please bring it to our attention.  Read this Confirmation Sponsor Selection Notice with your proposed Confirmation Sponsor.

For more information, contact the office by email or at (613) 342-5095.

Sacrament of Marriage

Couples planning to be married in the Catholic Church MUST contact the parish priest six (6) months prior to the marriage and are required to attend a Marriage Preparation Course sponsored by a Catholic Church.

St. John Bosco Parish offers a two day weekend course that is facilitated by a marriage preparation team.  Our goal is to provide a meaningful vision of Christian marriage and to provide an opportunity to engaged couples to explore topics of interest in order for them to further discern their basic readiness to accept the responsibilities of marriage.

Some topics of discussion include:

  • Communication                                Finances                                 Sacrament of Marriage
  • Spirituality                                           Natural Family Planning
  • Parenting                                            Expectations/Extended Family

Marriage Preparation Course Dates - TBA

ALL Registered couples must attend sessions scheduled on Friday and Saturday.

We welcome payment by cash or cheque at the time of registration.  This fee covers the handouts, books, continental breakfast, lunch, and all snacks.  Please complete the registration form and submit it to the office.

Sacrament of First Communion

Important Information

Religious education in the Catholic schools for the Sacrament of First Communion occurs in Grade Two.  Normally, your First Communion should take place in the parish to which you belong and where you regularly participate in the Eucharist at Sunday Mass with your family.

Register Now

You MUST register your child at the church for your child to be able to receive this Sacrament.  Baptismal certificates (copies) are needed for each candidate not baptized here at St. John Bosco Parish.  If there are problems with the certificate or if your child is not baptized Catholic, please bring it to our attention. 

For more information about the celebration, enrollment, preparation and participation of children and their families, contact the office by email or at (613) 342-5095.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (known commonly as Confession) is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church.  As Catholics, we believe that all of the sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ himself.  In the case of Confession, that institution occurred on Easter Sunday, when Christ first appeared to the apostles after his Resurrection.  Breathing on them, he said: “Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained” (John 20:22-23).  Reconciliation stresses the action of God, who uses the sacrament to reconcile us to Himself by restoring sanctifying grace in our souls.

First Reconciliation

Religious education in the Catholic schools for the Sacrament First Reconciliation occurs in Grade Two.  Candidates will have their First Reconciliation celebration with the parish.  For more information about the celebration, enrollment, preparation and participation of children and their families, contact the office by email or at (613) 342-5095.

Read this Guide for Children to assist in better understanding the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


© Copyright St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church